Dr. Stefan Kamsties

Dr. Stefan Kamsties

Dr. Stefan Kamsties

Chemist (PhD)


Authorized Court Expert on remediation issues (Darmstadt Chamber of Commerce and Industry) according to §18/5 of the federal German law on soil protection: Underground protection, contaminated sites


  • Consulting services in environmental projects
  • Investigation, risk assessment and remediation of contaminated sites
  • Design and Technical optimisation of remedial measures for soil and groundwater
  • Environmental site assessments (EIA)


Contact: stefankamsties@pleja.de

Curriculum Vitae


Stefan Kamsties


MSc. in Chemistry (Dipl.-Chem.), Technical University of Clausthal (1983-1987)

PhD in Chemistry (Dr. rer. nat.), Institute for inorganic and analytical chemistry, Technical University of Clausthal (1990)

Special Qualifications:

Environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology

Extensive experience and numerous additional training certifications in the field of contaminated sites remediation

Psychology and communication in crisis situations


Full computer literacy


Laguage Skills: German (Mother tongue), fluent in English, average level in French

Professional experience:

1988 - 1990
Institute of inorganic and analytical chemistry, Technical University of Clausthal, Germany
Scientific assistant in the working group “chemistry of solids” (Prof. Stumpp)


1991 - 1999
Trischler und Partner GmbH - Beratende Ingenieure Geotechnik Umweltschutz, later ARCADIS Trischler & Partner GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany
Project engineer and project manager in the fields of contaminated sites and industrial environmental protection issues


Dr. Stefan Kamsties – Independent Environmental Consultant, Darmstadt, Germany
Free-lance consultant


since 2000
Plejades GmbH – Independent Experts, Griesheim
Co-Founder and Manging Director


Countries of work experience:

Germany, France, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Switzerland, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Greece, Poland, Cyprus, Spain, Taiwan, USA 



Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker e. V. GDCh (German Chemical Society), Frankfurt am Main

Ingenieurtechnischer Verband Altlasten e. V. ITVA (Society of engineers in the field of contaminated sites), Berlin